What is Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy?

Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy (Ultrasound Sclerotherapy or Ultrasound Sclero) is a procedure used to treat underlying incompetent veins and varicose veins that feed surface varicose veins, reticular veins and spider veins (telangiectasias).  Ultrasound is utilized to visualize the underlying vein so the physician can deliver and monitor the injection.

Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy is an alternative to vein stripping and endovenous techniques such as endovenous radiofrequency occlusion (the VNUS Closure Procedure or Venefit procedure). Ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy is also used to complement these other procedures.

National Expertise in Foam Sclerotherapy

Our doctors have been featured on The Doctors TV show, a nationally syndicated TV show for their expertise in foam sclerotherapy - a technique that has been performed at the Vein Treatment Center since 2007. Watch this video clip from The Doctors TV Show..

Contact Dr. Hratch Karamanoukian and Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian at Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa for a consultation regarding branch varicosities relating to perforator vein disease, also known as incompetent vein valves contributing to symptomatic branch vein varicosities. Call 716-633-8888.

The Vein Treatment Center is a National Center of Excellence for Vein Disorders. Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is Board Certified in Phlebology and Plastic Surgery. Dr. Hratch Karamanoukian is Board Certified in Surgery, Thoracic Surgery and Phlebology. Phlebology is an American Board of Medical Specialties recognized specialty in venous diseases and venous surgery requiring special qualification. Certification in Phlebology is through the American Board of Phlebology.

VNUS Closure, EVLT, EVLT Never Touch VenaCure, perforator venous reflux surgery, perforator ablation, microphlebectomy, ambulatory phlebectomy, ultrasound guided sclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, traditional chemical sclerotherapy, laser for spider and reticular veins and expertise in trophic changes of the skin associated with venous disease - We also treat complex venous disorders associated with non healing ulcers of the legs.

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